Alienware X51 Dell PC Guide – A Mini-Desktop with Plenty of Power, Speed, & Space

The Alienware X51 PC is a mini-gaming desktop by Dell. You can easily place it anywhere in your home due to its compact size. The tower can be placed vertically or horizontally on any flat surface. Don’t think that its compact size holds it back, however, as it’s still faster and more powerful than the average desktop. It’s also highly customizable and upgradable, so you can add more hardware to it later on down the road.

It comes with a variety of advanced features, such as the AlienFX lighting technology and AlienFusion management controls. The lighting technology gives users access to 8,000 unique lighting combinations. It’s up to you how you want to customize the lighting scheme of your desktop. As for the AlienFusion, the user is in charge of power management controls. Lower the settings when you want to preserve energy and crank them up whenever you need an extra boost of power.

The great thing about Alienware X51 is that it’s inexpensive compared to other gaming desktops. It’s a great starter entertainment PC. Despite its small sizes, it’s still expandable. The components can be upgraded later on down the road. There is plenty of room for an additional graphics card, CPU, and memory. Keep the machine up to date by adding new hardware when you need it.

There are a number of dual and quad-core processors from which you can choose. The desktop can handle up to a 2nd generation Intel Core i7 processor with Turbo Boost technology. Its CPU should be able to handle any program you throw at it. An i3 model is the default option. If you need more than this, you can simply select an i5 or i7 when placing your order online.

Memory Options for Alienware X51

Processors deliver the power, and memory delivers the speed. Your memory options go up to 8 GB dual-core channel with 1333 MHz (system memory). This is enough memory to take on high-performance multimedia and gaming applications with ease.

No entertainment PC is complete without a NVIDIA video card. This one comes with a 1 GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640. You won’t have to worry about your games lagging or your videos getting choppy. With this kind of graphics power, you can easily run your favorite multimedia smoothly. Thanks to a 1 TB SATA hard drive, you’ll be able to save all of you files on the computer. It’s almost impossible to run out of space!

If you read any Alienware X51 reviews, you’ll see that consumers are very happy with the amount of power they are getting. It really is a great PC that’s designed to last for a very long time. Its expandability alone makes it worth every penny.

Now that you know what to expect from this desktop, you can take a look at Alienware X51 discount offers to learn how to save. Dell is really great when it comes to providing online shoppers with deals and promotional offers. You can save on an Alienware computer AND accessories!

For prices, check out the Dell page.

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