Dell XPS 15 Review – Why is This Such a Wonderful Notebook? What Does it Have to Offer to Users?

If there’s one notebook that has been receiving a lot of praise as of late, it’s the Dell XPS 15. Dell has always been notorious with its manufacturing of great notebooks, and this one is no different. In fact, some would say it’s even one of the brand’s best.

So, what’s so great about it? For starters, it has some great workmanship. It’s obvious that a lot of planning has gone into the design and build. The lid and enclosures are manufactured from a single block of aluminum. The interior has a soft-touch surface made out of silicone coating. Everything from the keyboard to the touchpad is pleasant to touch. Overall, the XPS 15 has a sturdy build, yet sleek appearance.

It’s not surprising that a notebook with such a great design would also have good connectivity. It comes with 3 USB 3.0 ports, including a PowerShare feature for charging USB devices. A mini DisplayPort connection offers high-resolution output to monitors up to 30-inches. Larger displays, such as high definition televisions, can also be used with this notebook thanks to the HDMI port. Users can expect some pretty fast syncing rates when transferring files back and forth between this notebook and other devices.

As for the display, the Dell XPS 15 comes with a 15.6-inch screen that provides amazing illumination. It offers a full HD display (1080p), which contains nearly twice as many pixels as the standard definition for screens (720p). This results in finer details and lines for images and clearer text.

The notebook offers incredible power and speed, as it’s compatible with the latest generation processors and graphics. The processor it comes with is a 3rd Generation Intel Core i5 model. If that’s not enough, users have the option to go with an i7 (3632QM) processor. As for the memory, the system can handle up to 16 GB. This is more than what the average desktop offers! The standard option for the XPS 15 is 8 GB of memory, with the option of going up to 12 GB or 16 GB.

Graphics Options for the Dell XPS 15

NVIDIA GeForce graphics power this notebook, making it a great choice for those who want to turn it into an entertainment machine. A 1 GB version and 2 GB version are both available. Consumers can choose which GeForce GT graphics they want when placing their order online.

When it comes down to it, the Dell XPS 15 is a must-have notebook for any type of user. Its graphics, memory, and fast processor empower it so that it can handle just about any task. It can even multi-task with ease. In addition to being able to perform impressively, it also has a nice aesthetics.

Now is your chance to find out why there are so many positive Dell XPS 15 reviews. If you want to order this notebook online, you can find some helpful Dell discount offers. You really can afford a notebook like this – just as long as you make use of promo codes.

For prices, check out the Dell page.

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