Alienware Alpha Review – A Look at Dell’s PC/Console Combo and What it Offers

The Alienware Alpha represents Dell’s venture into the console industry. It’s specifically designed to give users a chance to experience PC games in the same manner as console games. It’s a 100% turn-key console that ships with an XBOX 360 controller. The software interface is designed to be exclusive to Alienware. This guarantees easy and seamless navigation, without the need for a keyboard or mouse.

This is essentially a console-PC hybrid. It can do a number of things that other consoles can’t do, although it can’t play every game. There are thousands of titles users have access to, however, including more than 3,000 on Steam and 500 plus game that are controller supported. There are more titles coming out daily. The computer part of the Alienware Alpha includes medium specifications. It’s not as powerful as a high-end gaming PC, but there are some things it can do that XBOX or PlayStation cannot, such as allow users to play Early Access games.

It’s easy to use, as it plugs directly into a television set via HDMI. The initial setup process is easy and fast. Players can adjust settings in Steam, such as the brightness level and size of the display. While it’s in console mode, the Alpha cannot play games outside of Steam. Although it uses Steam, this system is not Linux-based. It comes with Windows 8.1. However, with the release of the Steam OS and controller, with which it is shipped, it can be turned into a Steam machine.

Players can upgrade some of the hardware. For instance, the RAM can be boosted up to 16 GB. A new hard drive and CPU can be added as well, as long as they work with the small confines of the console/PC.

With the full version of Windows 8.1, the Alpha can be used as a desktop. The desktop mode works like a typical PC, aside from the fact that users will have to use an external DVD/CD/Blu-Ray drive.

Upgrades for Alienware Alpha

As mentioned above, some of the hardware features can be upgraded. Consumers can customize a few features when ordering the system. The lowest cost option includes a 4th generation Intel Core i3 processor. An i5 and i7 are both available at an increased price. The NVIDIA GeForce GPU 2 GB GDDR5 is custom-built and is in every model.

Multiple accounts can be setup, all on one system. Some of the bonus content Dell plans to include in the bundle are games such as PAYDAY 2, Magicka, Gauntlet Helm, etc.

The price of the Alienware Alpha is fair, considering it’s less expensive than a high-end gaming desktop, and no more expensive than the newest generation of consoles. All in all, it’s looking to be a promising machine.

You can preorder your system by using Alienware Alpha promo codes. Dell coupons are available for online shoppers and really come in handy. This is a console that you definitely don’t want to miss out on!

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